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All text by Lee Richards. Copyright 2012. Linear Pedal Reactor Bicycles, LPR Bicycles, and LPR TM.
All text by Lee Richards. Copyright 2012. Linear Pedal Reactor Bicycles, LPR Bicycles, and LPR TM.
"You can observe a lot by just watching" -- Yogi Berra
-- Hello to All --
-- Hello to All --
This website serves as an introduction to an all new bicycle pedal mechanism. There are many significant differences seperating the Linear Pedal Reactor bicycle from a standard bike. First-and-foremost, the LPR bicycle's pedals move in a straight or linear pattern -- versus the standard's common circular pattern. The high-wheeled bicycles in the photograph above are the then popular (1890s) American Star. This was the very first patented linear drive bicycle.
There are more differences as well -- including an all new, never before seen, high efficiency multi-speed transmission, along with several other high-efficiency, high-performance features too.
There are no drawings, photographs, or other explicit details of the invention bicycle displayed on this website at this time. We know that sucks. But we also know that if this invention works well, there will be those that would attempt to take the design from us. That would suck even more. A Provisional Patent Application will be forthcoming, and at that time full public disclosure will take place. Patience is a virtue.
LPR designers are painfully aware of the possibility that this experiment will end in dismal failure. But maybe not. At this time, all drawings, models, and calculations point to an exceptionally sound outcome. Still, in the transition from computer screen to reality, it is not uncommon for some promising design points to go wrong. So, wish us luck.
The mechanism should be adaptable to most any human powered vehicle (HPV) -- from HP airplanes to HP submarines and everything in between.
In the field of land-based bicycles, this apparatus may be especially at home in the cruiser and touring bike groups. However, high speed performance road bikes were the target from the inception, and LPR designers feel as though they have scored a direct hit, a bull's-eye.
In order to achieve this maximum performance goal, maximum mechanical efficiency of the machine was made Priority One in the LPR Mission Statement. If a feature or factor caused undue friction or parasitic drag, it was swept from the table. No excuses. No exceptions. We would find another, better, way.
Just as important (perhaps even more important), the team also knew from the start that their design had to take full advantage of the mechanics of the human body. This was a requisite, crucial. Human powerd machines need absolute maximum human efficiency combined with minimum mechanical friction. Those two criteria have been our mantra from day one.
Something that was unexpectedly discovered in the final stages of design was the realization of a much more ergonomically compatible, less stressful rider pedaling motion. When compared to a conventional circular pedal course, a rider following the LPR linear pedal course will experience less stress on their hips, knees, and ankles.
Side-by-side to a standard bicycle, the LPR bike will actually be easier and more comfortable to ride. This feature alone will make this product attractive in today’s marketplace. Even though the Linear Pedal Reactor bicycle may literally be the Ferrari F1 of HPVs, it will still be very user-friendly and enjoyable to just simply cruise around on. Not everyone needs to win the Tour De France bicycle race, but just about everyone can use a little comfort.
Today’s society is profoundly in need of activity and exercise, and if said exercise is painful or unduly physically stressful, the chance of it being consistently performed is reduced. And speaking of the marketplace, there are not many products that are more fitting for today’s green mindset than an efficient HPV. No gasoline. No greenhouse gas. No pollution at all. Bicycle riding is great exercise, great fun, and after the initial purchase, very economical as well.
The sole inventor/owner of this revolutionary -- some would say heretical -- system, one Mr. Lee Richards, is a metal fabricator/mechanical designer with over twenty five years experience. Presently, he is diligently working to rapidly bring his design to fruition, and to market.
So check back often… even though in the beginning new posted information may come slowly. But if this thing works as Lee thinks it might, then perhaps the bicycling industry is about to change.
If I were you, I wouldn't purchase any high-dollar bikes any time soon.
There are more differences as well -- including an all new, never before seen, high efficiency multi-speed transmission, along with several other high-efficiency, high-performance features too.
There are no drawings, photographs, or other explicit details of the invention bicycle displayed on this website at this time. We know that sucks. But we also know that if this invention works well, there will be those that would attempt to take the design from us. That would suck even more. A Provisional Patent Application will be forthcoming, and at that time full public disclosure will take place. Patience is a virtue.
LPR designers are painfully aware of the possibility that this experiment will end in dismal failure. But maybe not. At this time, all drawings, models, and calculations point to an exceptionally sound outcome. Still, in the transition from computer screen to reality, it is not uncommon for some promising design points to go wrong. So, wish us luck.
The mechanism should be adaptable to most any human powered vehicle (HPV) -- from HP airplanes to HP submarines and everything in between.
In the field of land-based bicycles, this apparatus may be especially at home in the cruiser and touring bike groups. However, high speed performance road bikes were the target from the inception, and LPR designers feel as though they have scored a direct hit, a bull's-eye.
In order to achieve this maximum performance goal, maximum mechanical efficiency of the machine was made Priority One in the LPR Mission Statement. If a feature or factor caused undue friction or parasitic drag, it was swept from the table. No excuses. No exceptions. We would find another, better, way.
Just as important (perhaps even more important), the team also knew from the start that their design had to take full advantage of the mechanics of the human body. This was a requisite, crucial. Human powerd machines need absolute maximum human efficiency combined with minimum mechanical friction. Those two criteria have been our mantra from day one.
Something that was unexpectedly discovered in the final stages of design was the realization of a much more ergonomically compatible, less stressful rider pedaling motion. When compared to a conventional circular pedal course, a rider following the LPR linear pedal course will experience less stress on their hips, knees, and ankles.
Side-by-side to a standard bicycle, the LPR bike will actually be easier and more comfortable to ride. This feature alone will make this product attractive in today’s marketplace. Even though the Linear Pedal Reactor bicycle may literally be the Ferrari F1 of HPVs, it will still be very user-friendly and enjoyable to just simply cruise around on. Not everyone needs to win the Tour De France bicycle race, but just about everyone can use a little comfort.
Today’s society is profoundly in need of activity and exercise, and if said exercise is painful or unduly physically stressful, the chance of it being consistently performed is reduced. And speaking of the marketplace, there are not many products that are more fitting for today’s green mindset than an efficient HPV. No gasoline. No greenhouse gas. No pollution at all. Bicycle riding is great exercise, great fun, and after the initial purchase, very economical as well.
The sole inventor/owner of this revolutionary -- some would say heretical -- system, one Mr. Lee Richards, is a metal fabricator/mechanical designer with over twenty five years experience. Presently, he is diligently working to rapidly bring his design to fruition, and to market.
So check back often… even though in the beginning new posted information may come slowly. But if this thing works as Lee thinks it might, then perhaps the bicycling industry is about to change.
If I were you, I wouldn't purchase any high-dollar bikes any time soon.
LPR Design
"The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will". -- Andy Warhol
"The idea is not to live forever, it is to create something that will". -- Andy Warhol